How to double space on microsoft word online
How to double space on microsoft word online

Find an icon that has four horizontal lines, and two arrows pointing in opposite directions. This was largely due to the limitations of now-antiquated technology and was the standard style taught by most schools until around 20 years ago.

how to double space on microsoft word online

Traditional, pre-digital typesetting required the use of double-spacing after periods and colons.

how to double space on microsoft word online

Select the text you want to be double spaced. The single or double space between sentences argument has been an ongoing one for decades. I seem to be working my way through the Office 2010 design team, as I have a similar gripe about Outlook 2010 and mail headers. Both APA and MLA formatting guides require you to double space your papers. I’d like to meet that guy face to face so I can kick his junk up into his throat. Somewhere at Microsoft there is a Product Manager that approved this jackassery. I discovered later that if you want to fix this permanently, you need to set the paragraph spacing to “auto”, which then allows paragraph spacing to function correctly. Then this gem from a Microsoft MVP for Word: Try SHIFT+ENTER to create a new line rather than a new paragraph.


So I’m reading 10 pages of comments with troubleshooting advice like I would give, and all to no avail. Read How to add page numbers in word online. Then I find a user with the same problem (you mean there’s more than one of you?). So it should just be a simple matter of fixing the paragraph spacing right? Except the paragraph spacing is already set to 0px, and the line spacing is already set to single spaced. This happens because when you hit the ENTER key, Word creates a new paragraph, not just a new line. So some quick Google Fu, and I can now define why this is happening, but am having no luck figuring out how to fix it. Well this should be easy enough to fix I think.

how to double space on microsoft word online

When I walked into her office, this is what I found: She also just had her Office version upgraded from 2003 to 2010 two days ago, so my natural inclination was that this was just a case of “stupid Office Ribbon!” So one of my users is printing an envelope (I didn’t even know that people still did this for single envelopes), and she tells me that her addresses are double spaced, and can’t get them to be single spaced.

How to double space on microsoft word online